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“Headline Goes Here!”

Subheadline Goes Here
Watch This Video To Learn How You Can Customize Your Download Page.

<<This is the deck of the sales letter. Try images or text that demonstrate urgency or scarcity
or a huge benefit that REALLY grabs attention…>>

Repeat Purchase Link Anchor Text Here

Picture of YOU 150x150px Date:
Re: Short Description (Benefit)
From: Your Name

Dear So & So,

This section is the “open”: Talk about problems the reader may be facing and start relating yourself to them. Really reinforce the ‚Äúpain‚Äù they feel from this problem.

Use a drop cap as above — people read from left to right and drop caps have been shown to “force people” through paragraph’s that contain them… so why not get this little weapon in your bag o’ tricks?

Subheadline Here That Transitions Into The Imagines”…

The “imagines” are when you take your reader to a place they dream to be without the current pain they are experiencing…

So, for example, if this is a money making product, the “imagines” might read…

Allow yourself to imagine waking up tomorrow, not to the sound of that damned annoying alarm clock, but when you are rested and ready to take on the day.

Now imagine, strolling 30 feet to your home office, firing up your computer and opening your emails to discover you’ve made $XXXX automatically — and all while you were asleep!

Etc., etc., etc.

Subheadline Here That Transitions Into Why You’re THE Go-To Person.

Back it up here: Describe why the reader should buy from you, who are you, you can also use testimonials here. This shouldn’t be your life’s story, there’s no need to be dramatic. The important thing to establish here is an expert status. The reader needs to understand why you are worthy of their time, trust and money.

Establish yourself as an authority figure by pointing out the path that lead you to the creation of this website. What are your accolades? What gives you the right to produce such a product? Thats what they are wondering.

Be humble but establish asense of business posture. It is always better to appear indifferent then needy when it comes to closing the sale.

Subheadline Here That Transitions Into The Product Introduction…

This is where you introduce the solution to their problem, the answer they’ve been searching for. This is the most powerful image on your sales page. It must look good command their attention. The following image is 620 x 603px. We recommend a large image here. Don’t give off a weak vibe. Make it count, and but a purchase link right beneath it.

Your Product Image

Repeat Purchase Link Anchor Text Here

Features and benefits accentuated by a cool and relevant icon from We like to use a different 96x96px icon for each section. At the very least there should be a few paragraphs of features and benefits here.

Features and benefits accentuated by a cool and relevant icon from We like to use a different 96x96px icon for each section. At the very least there should be a few paragraphs of features and benefits here.

Features and benefits accentuated by a cool and relevant icon from We like to use a different 96x96px icon for each section. At the very least there should be a few paragraphs of features and benefits here.

Features and benefits accentuated by a cool and relevant icon from We like to use a different 96x96px icon for each section. At the very least there should be a few paragraphs of features and benefits here.


While I like to sprinkle testimonials throughout the page where they make sense — for example, someone says, “I can’t believe this only costs $XX!” then I would try to put that testimonial near my price justification…

However, you can also group testimonials in this area by leading in with something like this…

I think it’s plain to see that my product name can impact your life almost immediately, but you don’t just have to take my word for it…

Subhead That Says Something Like… See What These Very Happy Customers Have To Say About My Product Name!

Customer Pic 100x100px

“The most engaging excerpt sentence from this testimonial goes in quotes here”

Then insert the rest of the testimonial body here in this space. Be sure that the testimonial is concise and objective. Social proof goes a long way but only if it is verifiable and believable. If not then it will only make your prospect even more skeptical and aprehensive.

Customer Name (do not link)

Repeat Purchase Link Anchor Text Here

Customer Pic 100x100px

“The most engaging excerpt sentence from this testimonial goes in quotes here”

Then insert the rest of the testimonial body here in this space. Be sure that the testimonial is concise and objective. Social proof goes a long way but only if it is verifiable and believable. If not then it will only make your prospect even more skeptical and aprehensive.

Customer Name (do not link)

Repeat Purchase Link Anchor Text Here

Customer Pic 100x100px

“The most engaging excerpt sentence from this testimonial goes in quotes here”

Then insert the rest of the testimonial body here in this space. Be sure that the testimonial is concise and objective. Social proof goes a long way but only if it is verifiable and believable. If not then it will only make your prospect even more skeptical and aprehensive.

Customer Name (do not link)


Next I want to smack them upside the head with value so I will put any bonuses in line next.

Subheadline Goes Here That Transitions Into The Bonus Offers

Bonus products should always compliment the main offer. Don’t just put a bonus in here for the sake of having one. If you’ve got a video or an audio or some other sort of accompnyment then by all means this is where you should list it.


Bonus Product Image 250x250

Bonus Name & Value Here

This is your bonus product area.

Here you will give some background on the product, a brief of what they will be getting, and more.

Also, you will want to do a sizable list of benefits that the reader will receive by purchasing this product from you.

Maybe even add some scarcity or urgency in here as well

Give them a taste of what they’ll discover through the bullets below:BulletShort and Sweet Product Feature/Benefit Bullet (keep it to 1 per line)

BulletShort and Sweet Product Feature/Benefit Bullet (keep it to 1 per line)

BulletShort and Sweet Product Feature/Benefit Bullet (keep it to 1 per line)

BulletShort and Sweet Product Feature/Benefit Bullet (keep it to 1 per line)

BulletShort and Sweet Product Feature/Benefit Bullet (keep it to 1 per line)

Repeat Purchase Link Anchor Text Here

If you have more than one bonus, set up another box below it,
and in between them add an order link as below:

Bonus Product Image 250x250

Bonus Name & Value Here

This is your bonus product area.

Here you will give some background on the product, a brief of what they will be getting, and more.

Also, you will want to do a sizable list of benefits that the reader will receive by purchasing this product from you.

Maybe even add some scarcity or urgency in here as well.

Give them a taste of what they’ll discover through the bullets below:BulletShort and Sweet Product Feature/Benefit Bullet (keep it to 1 per line)

BulletShort and Sweet Product Feature/Benefit Bullet (keep it to 1 per line)

BulletShort and Sweet Product Feature/Benefit Bullet (keep it to 1 per line)

BulletShort and Sweet Product Feature/Benefit Bullet (keep it to 1 per line)

BulletShort and Sweet Product Feature/Benefit Bullet (keep it to 1 per line)

Repeat Purchase Link Anchor Text Here

If you have more than one bonus, set up another box below it,
and in between them add an order link as below:


Bonus Product Image 250x250

Bonus Name & Value Here

This is your bonus product area.

Here you will give some background on the product, a brief of what they will be getting, and more.

Also, you will want to do a sizable list of benefits that the reader will receive by purchasing this product from you.

Maybe even add some scarcity or urgency in here as well.

Give them a taste of what they’ll discover through the bullets below:BulletShort and Sweet Product Feature/Benefit Bullet (keep it to 1 per line)

BulletShort and Sweet Product Feature/Benefit Bullet (keep it to 1 per line)

BulletShort and Sweet Product Feature/Benefit Bullet (keep it to 1 per line)

BulletShort and Sweet Product Feature/Benefit Bullet (keep it to 1 per line)

BulletShort and Sweet Product Feature/Benefit Bullet (keep it to 1 per line)

Repeat Purchase Link Anchor Text Here

Subheadline Goes Here That Transitions Into Product Offer Recap & Price Justification

Here you’ll reiterate the benefits and what they’re getting and then you’ll go into price justification.

Price justification is NOT, “Less than the cost of a pizza for 2!”

Price justification is more akin to adding up the value of all the individual components in your offer and explaining if they were sold separately they would cost you a real world $497!

Then of course when the reader sees your price of just $47 they will be pleased and more open to the purchase.

Subheadline Goes Here That
Transitions Into Guarantee

Guarantee text goes here. Make it solid and make it risk free. Make the prospect feel safe and secure. Let them know that their satisfaction is guaranteed. Tell them for how long you will honor the guarantee. This will go a long way with your customer.

Close/Call To Action Goes Here

Make sure you close strong and ask for the sale!!! Don’t beat around the bush about it. Tell them that now is the time to buy and explain exactly why. Don’t become a bull shitter here because they will see right through you. Just be sincere and use a natural sense of urgency.

Repeat Purchase Link Anchor Text Here

Yes, Your Name! I want…

Riskfree acceptance text goes here. Let them know that they will get instant access to the product as soon as their payment is complete and re-assure them by telling them that you are a member of

Recap the main things that they are going to recieve in the bullet lists below. Don’t sell here.. just list them.

BulletShort and Sweet Product Recap Bullet (keep it to 1 per line)

BulletShort and Sweet Product Recap Bullet (keep it to 1 per line)

BulletShort and Sweet Product Recap Bullet (keep it to 1 per line)

BulletShort and Sweet Product Recap Bullet (keep it to 1 per line)

BulletShort and Sweet Product Recap Bullet (keep it to 1 per line)

Click Here Now

Repeat Purchase Link Anchor Text Here

Best of success,

Your Name

P.S. Quickly talk about the pain/problem and how your product eliminates the pain/problem.

P.P.S. Reiterate the guarantee

P.P.P.S. Bring up some scarcity to make the reader buy now. Close this one with an order link.

Repeat Purchase Link Anchor Text Here

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